If I pay for 100% of my college education, would I be better off if my parents will give me a college graduation present: half of the money they presently plan to pay for my college costs?  I would probably need my parents’ help. Look, I am not the smartest person on earth and I never will be. I am not really that good in school even now at thirteen years old. I still will probably need my parents’ help even when I am grown up, to be honest, even though they are helping me to try to do good in school, business, and everything else. But still, despite the fact that my parents are trying their hardest to help me and are doing whatever they can to help me, I probably still need their help when I am an adult. You can probably agree with me about this, but if not, then I would say that you are very lucky to not need your parents’ help. I am not really good at anything when it comes to working in a business or starting a business. That and school are like the top things I need my parents’ help for. I am so glad that I have parents to help me with the things I need help with, like school and business details. I may also need their help with getting me a job, well, at least one that I am good at. I am so glad that I have parents who can help me if I have a problem.

What is my most important skill that I can use in starting my business this year? The skill that I can use to start my business this year is working knowledge. I would like to start breeding rabbits again because I have already bred two litters of rabbits and I was thinking of breeding a third litter. The main reason I started to raise rabbits was because my dad wanted me to start a small business and raising rabbits was really easy so we decided to go with that. To get ready for the rabbits me and my dad had to buy rabbit cages and build them ourselves, we built them something that the cages could hang from so that they would not touch the ground, we built them a nest so that they could have babies, we bought them food bowls and gave them water bowls, I feed them and watered them every day (even sometimes twice a day), and I sold the babies to get some money, because that is literally the reason of getting rabbits. Besides, what would a business be (even small ones) without any money? Raising rabbits was fun while it lasted, and now I am getting more to do it all over again. And I have working knowledge so it should be easier to do than when I first started. If you want to start a small business, than try rabbit raising. You get to try a small business, and it is so much fun.

My 9-month plan to get a part-time job at no less than $20/hour to help a businessman improve his marketing. The business I am planning to help improve marketing for is my city’s local health and fitness center called the REC. The first thing I would do is get to know the Rec better. I would do this by attending fitness classes. I would also go very often and see what things they have available. I would spend the first month attending fitness classes. In my second month I would still attend often, but this time getting to know the people who work there. For my third month I would get to know the people who go to the REC and the people who have membership cards and the people who do fitness and workout classes. I would spend months four and five gathering data about the members like, how old they are, where they live, what they do and why they go there. This will help me do specific marketing towards potential new members. For the next three months I would strategize how to get in more REC members. I would do this by figuring out what kind of social media the most people use and I would completely change their Facebook page and put in actual pictures and videos of things going on at the REC. For the last month I would plan out my presentation and graph out my plans for the REC and present it when I am finished.

What local marketing advantages do I now have that I did not have when the week began? Here are three things I learned about owning a business. The first thing is having a website. How will I have a business if I can not get any customers? You can not! That is why you must have a website if you want to build a business. A website helps you get customers. You also have to post the website where people can see it, because, how can you get customers if you do not post it? Plus, where should you post it? Well, post it on a very popular site, like Facebook. Second, location. You need to find a location on where you can set up your business. You also need to figure out where to serve your customers. We buy our milk and yogurt from farmers and we can not go to them to them to get our milk and yogurt, so, instead of the customers going to the sellers, the sellers come to the customers. That makes the customers happy and the milk and yogurt is so good that it makes them want to buy some more which makes the sellers happy. It is a win-win! Third, build a business that makes you comfortable and your customers happy. If I were to start a lawn mowing  business than I could mow people’s yards and they would tell other people about me and my business would just keep growing. And that is how you start a business.

Procrastination kills. First, I want to tell you what procrastination is. According to Google, procrastination means “the action of delaying or postponing something”. What does procrastination kill exactly? Well, here’s what it kills. According to “Sid Savara”, procrastination kills “productivity, ambition, opportunities, motivation, progress, projects you long for most, dreams, and one minute, one hour, and one day at a time. And every week or month, when you wonder where the time went, if you procrastinated- then procrastination is slowly killing you.” How is that? Well, procrastination means “the action of delaying or postponing something”, right? So, lets say that you had a project that you wanted to do, but you did not do it. Soon, it was to late to do the project. Procrastination killed your project. It is basically being lazy, but it is not. As it says in Ephesians 5:15-17 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. That is a very good on using your time wisely. Here is another good verse on spending your time wisely. It is Proverbs 6:6-8 Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest. It is verse on laziness. And it is personally my favorite verse ever. So, do not become procrastinated.

I have been doing the Ron Paul Curriculum for almost my whole life and it has helped me a lot. These points that I am about to give you are why you should get the Ron Paul Curriculum for your school.

#1 It is on computers and computers are easily portable, more portable than those large text books they have at school.

#2 One word. Papers. The Ron Paul Curriculum gives me papers instead of tests because papers help me think. In tests you just memorize and then forget.

#3 I homeschool so my mom has to teach me. But with the Ron Paul Curriculum I can be taught by real professors even when I am still at home.

#4 Ron Paul Curriculum teaches me self-discipline.

#5 Ron Paul Curriculum tells me how to think, not what to think.

#6 Ron Paul Curriculum  uses mainly the internet as a school resource so I get the most up-to-date information.

#7 Because the Ron Paul Curriculum is on the internet, I can do it anywhere.

#8 Ron Paul Curriculum is preparing me for college.

#9 I can work at my own pace level.

#10 My family loves Ron Paul Curriculum because he teaches us the same stuff we believe in.

#11 It makes homeschooling easier for my mom since she has so much kids.

#12 Ron Paul Curriculum teaches me to be fair in my thinking.

#13 Ron Paul Curriculum teaches me to retain important information.

#14 I get to learn about classic literature.

#15 The Ron Paul Curriculum teaches Biblical principles while teaching general education.

All of these reasons should be enough for you to get the Ron Paul Curriculum.

Two possible USP’s for the Ron Paul Curriculum. USP means Unique Selling Prepositions. The two things are papers and professors. Here is why I think they are unique.

First, papers. The Ron Paul Curriculum gives me papers instead of tests because papers help me think. In tests you just memorize and then forget. Papers are extremely helpful. If someone asks you “What is the square root of four.” Well, you can just say “Two.” because you know it, right? Well, if someone asked you “What is a square root.” you would be like “Ummmm, I don’t know.” That is exactly like papers and tests. In tests you just memorize the Self Test and then fill out the Test, but with papers, you actually have to think about a topic and then write it down on a piece of paper.

The second thing is professors. I homeschool so my mom has to teach me. But with the Ron Paul Curriculum I can be taught by real professors even when I am still at home. The Ron Paul Curriculum has several different teachers over the years and several different courses each designed by a different teacher. Now, this is unique because I can stay at home and still homeschool like I have been doing for my whole life and still be taught by real school professors on the internet. And because it is on the internet then I can do it any where. I was even told by my professor to write this paper for you.

An ad to a friend to persuade your friend to persuade his/her parents to sign up for the Ron Paul Curriculum. Now, I will tell you what things to tell your parents to let you use the Ron Paul Curriculum. #1 It is on computers and computers are easily portable, more portable than those large text books they have at school. Plus, text books are extremely expensive. Especially If you buy one for each subject in school. #2 I homeschool so my mom has to teach me. But with the Ron Paul Curriculum I can be taught by real professors even when I am still at home. It is the best. My mom has enough work with the younger kids. #3 Ron Paul Curriculum is preparing me for college. So when I start college, I will know a lot. #4 I can work at my own pace level. At school, you have to do your school or you do not get to do it at all. If you do not get your homework done for that day, oh well! You move on. #5 Ron Paul Curriculum teaches me to be fair in my thinking. This means to instead of choosing a side just because you like it more, or it is more believable, look at both sides of the story. (I got these from an original paper. If you want to know the rest of these things, than go there. It is titled “15 benefits of the Ron Paul Curriculum”.) Well, that’s it. Hope your parents let you use the Ron Paul Curriculum.

15 benefits of the Ron Paul Curriculum. My fifteen benefits are: #1 It is on computers and computers are easily portable, more portable than those large text books they have at school. #2 One word. Papers. The Ron Paul Curriculum gives me papers instead of tests because papers help me think. In tests you just memorize and then forget. #3 I homeschool so my mom has to teach me. But with the Ron Paul Curriculum I can be taught by real professors even when I am still at home. #4 Ron Paul Curriculum teaches me self-discipline. #5 Ron Paul Curriculum tells me how to think, not what to think. #6 Ron Paul Curriculum  uses mainly the internet as a school resource so I get the most up-to-date information. #7 Because the Ron Paul Curriculum is on the internet, I can do it anywhere. #8 Ron Paul Curriculum is preparing me for college. #9 I can work at my own pace level. #10 My family loves Ron Paul Curriculum because he teaches us the same stuff we believe in. #11 It makes homeschooling easier for my mom since she has so much kids. #12 Ron Paul Curriculum teaches me to be fair in my thinking. #13 Ron Paul Curriculum teaches me to retain important information. #14 I get to learn about classic literature. #15 The Ron Paul Curriculum teaches Biblical principles while teaching general education.

The five student benefits of the Ron Paul Curriculum that Ron Paul missed in the 26 Reasons landing page are: Ron Paul Curriculum school can be done on the computer instead of big textbooks. Ron Paul Curriculum also tells us about history that happened during Bible times. Ron Paul Curriculum also tells you the truth, while schools sometimes tells you the wrong things. Ron Paul Curriculum even gets into detail about things, yet tells them clear enough so that we can understand it. One more thing. In regular school, they give you papers to write, just like the Ron Paul Curriculum. Except, after you write it and turn it in, the teacher usually looks it over, grades it, and then trashes it. But, in Ron Paul Curriculum it tells you to create a blog and post your paper on the blog. This way, the whole world can see it.