Sovereignty is when God says something and makes it happens. god told Abraham to go to Cannan. Later on, in history, Cannan is where the Israelites lie. God also tells Abraham that he will have a son when he is 100 years old and his wife, Sarah, is 90 years old! Sarah thought she was too old, but guess what? She had a baby and they named him Isaac.

Isaac married Rebekah, which one of his father’s servants found him, and had two children. their names were Esau and Jacob. Isaac had to have children to carry on the promise that God gave Abraham. the promise was that his relatives will be as many as all of the stars and as many as all of the grains of sand.

God promised that Israel would come from the line of Jacob, not Esau. One day when Esau came back from hunting, Jacob was preparing a pot of stew. Esau was like, “I want a bowl of stew.” So Jacob said to Esau, “Give me the birthright and you can have a bowl of stew.” Esau willingly offered the birthright to Jacob. When Isaac was about to die, he told Esau to hunt and make him a bowl of stew and he will give him the blessing. When he went to hunt, Rebekah and Jacob hurried to make a stew and get it to Isaac before Esau can come back. Rebekah also made a disguise for Jacob to look and feel like Esau, but Isaac was blind, so he can only feel. After he gave Isaac the stew, he gave Jacob the blessing. After Esau found out about Jacob, Jacob had to run away because Esau wanted to kill him. He ran away to his uncle Laman. He wanted to marry one of his daughters. That is the beginning of God’s sovereignty with Israel. One way I see God’s sovereignty in my life is that He put me into my family.

God has revealed Himself through creation. I see Him in the way flowers grow. I see God in how He created the Heavenly bodies. God has revealed Himself to us because we are made in His image.

The Bible says God is a God of order, not chaos. Flowers only produce the same kind of flower. This is because God told His creation to produce after its own kind. God also ordered the heavenly bodies into their exact locations. We know this because if the earth was any closer to the sun, the earth would burn up and explode. Also, if the earth was any farther away from the sun, the earth would be too cold to have any life on it and the earth would just be a frozen ice block. God put the earth in the perfect place. God is the only one that can give life. We are made in His image because we are the only created beings with a soul.

After the Tower of Babel, the three different tribes scattered across the earth. The parents stopped teaching their children about God. They began to worship the creation instead of the Creator. They chose to ignore God. Unlike the early civilizations, I choose to worship God because I see Him revealed in His creation.

Africa has a lot of geographical features. It has the Sahara desert, the Nile river, rainforests, jungles, the Safari, Lake Victoria, and Mountain ranges. Africa has lots of animals too. My favorite African animal is the lion.

The Nubian civilization lived there too. The Nubian civilization developed in Sudan. They traded and interacted with Eygpy because it was the closest civilization to trade and interact with. The Nok civilization lived there as well. They developed in Nigeria. Two of their most impressive skills were iron working and terracotta pottery.

Some of the early people of Africa are the Bushmen, the Pigmies, the Carthage, and the Bantu speakers. A possible reason for our lack of knowledge of Ancient African civilizations is because they didn’t leave any written records.

If I was working at the Tower of Babel, I would want to be a builder. And I would want to have the Spanish language. I would feel lonely until I found people who spoke my language. I would want to live in the Middle East because it grows a lot of food and it’s very mild. I chose to live here because it’s cool enough for me to build houses for people to live in and to build fences to protect the livestock. I had some of my friends help me out too.

I also had a family. My wife and two boys and three girls. I was living in the plains. Perfect place for my livestock to grow. My boys learned how to farm and my girls learned how to cook and help their mother around the house.

I also built a plow so the oxen that I had could plow the fields. I also built a wagon so my boys could carry the food that we grow. When I’m not building things, I help my boys butcher animals. The animals we have are horses, cows, rabbits, pigs, a cat, and a dog. We butcher the cow, rabbits, and pigs. We ride the horses. We play with the cat and dog. Though I only help them with they are butchering an animal. We also have to take baths when we were done. we also live near a stream in the plains so that we can get water to drink and to pour in a big bucket so that we can take baths. The boys also have to get the food; to put in the wagon and pull it inside for the girls to can and cook the food.

Life on the plains in the Middle East is really cool. You should try it.

—The End.