What is a state subsidy? According to Wikipedia, “A subsidy or government incentive is a form of financial aid or support extended to an economic sector (business, or individual) generally with the aim of promoting economic and social policy. Although commonly extended from the government, the term subsidy can relate to any type of support – for example from NGOs or as implicit subsidies. Subsidies come in various forms including: direct (cash grants, interest-free loans) and indirect (tax breaks, insurance, low-interest loans, accelerated depreciation, rent rebates).” So a state subsidy is basically when the government gives some form of financial aid (money) to a person or business.

What is state control? According to GEMET, state control is “The power or authority of a government to regulate or command industry, organizations, programs, initiatives and individuals.” So state control is literally just the power or authority of the state to control what GEMET said. According to Wikipedia, “State media or government media are media outlets that are under financial and/or editorial control of the state or government, directly or indirectly. There are different types of state and government media. State-controlled or state-run media are under editorial control or influence by the state or government.” The state controls what it is meant to control weather you like it, or you do not like it. According to Collins Dictionary, state control literally means “control by the government”.

Is it possible to have state subsidies without state control? Pretty much, no. You see, in order for the government to give you free money, the government must take some money away from other people, and since nobody wants the government to take their money, then the government takes their money by force. They do this through coercion. Therefore, there can be no state subsidies without state control.

Do you know what it is called when you give money away to those who really need it? That is called charity. But that is not the way the government does it. The government takes your money and gives it to a business that the government deems worthy to have the money. This is NOT the same thing as giving money away on your own. The government takes away your money and gives it to someone else. I think they do this through taxes, and taxes and charity are definitely not the same thing. According to Philanthropy, “Some of the wealthiest Americans have started to contend that paying taxes and making charitable gifts are just about the same thing. Their failure to grasp the profound difference between the two presents a very real problem for nonprofit organizations and our democracy.” I can not believe that people think that taxes and charity are the same thing! They are so different! Taxation is money being taken away from you, and charity is freely giving away money.

So, the overall answer to the question “Is it possible to have state subsidies without state control?”, is no, it pretty much impossible for that to ever happen.

If the state is strong enough to do something good for you, it can also do something bad to you. This statement is true in many ways. For example, the state passes both good and bad laws. Some good ones are making it illegal to steal, they pass traffic laws which makes driving safe for people, and lots more. However, I feel like there are more bad laws than good laws. For example, the U.S.A. has just gone through, and is still going through, what I call the U.S.A. crisis of 2019. There was a huge breakout of a virus called coronavirus, or covid-19, and the U.S.A. literally shut down. New laws were passed that made the U.S.A. go crazy. Now, I live in the state of Illinois, and I hate it. The Illinois governor of my time has made new laws which made businesses shut down, you can not go someplace without having on a mask, the six-foot rule, all of these stupid laws. I mean, masks do not even help slow the spread of this virus, and where did they get the six foot rule? Out of thin air! These new laws are really hurting the state of Illinois, and three years after the outbreak (the year I wrote this essay), some of these laws are still in motion! Like some places still require the ‘if you do not wear a mask you are not allowed in’ rule. These laws have went down a bit, but they are not gone. The state is strong enough to do good.

Fredric Bastiat was a French economist, writer, and he was a prominent member of the French Liberal School. He was born on June 30, 1801 in Bayonne, France, and died on December 24, 1850 in Rome, Italy. According to Wikipedia, “He was described as “the most brilliant economic journalist who ever lived” by economic theorist Joseph Schumpeter. As an advocate of classical economics and the economics of Adam Smith, his views favored a free market and influenced the Australian School. He is best known for his book The Law where he argued that law must protect rights such as private property, not “plunder” others’ property.”

While he was a member of the French National Assembly, he developed the economic concept of opportunity cost, and he also introduced to everyone the parable of the broken window. According to Wikipedia, “The parable of the broken window was introduced by French economist Frédéric Bastiat in his 1850 essay “That Which We See and That Which We Do Not See” (“Ce qu’on voit et ce qu’on ne voit pas”) to illustrate why destruction, and the money spent to recover from destruction, is not actually a net benefit to society.” Bastiat also wrote many other essays such as The LawTaxes, and several others, most of which are located in his book That Which is Seen and That Which is Not Seen. He is best known for his book The Law. According to Academy of Ideas, ” The Law, a work written by the French political philosopher and economist Frederic Bastiat in 1850, investigates what happens in a society when the law becomes a weapon used by those in power to control and enslave the population.”

Describe Bastiat’s concept of the politics of plunder. According to OLL, “The basis for Bastiat’s theory of class was the notion of plunder which he defined as the taking of another person’s property without their consent by force or fraud. Those who lived by plunder constituted “les spoliateurs” (the plunderers) or “la classe spoliatrice” (the plundering class).” Plunder is when someone forcibly takes the property of another person. According to OLL, “The French economist Fredric Bastiat (1801-1850) developed a theory of plunder in the late 1840s which he defined in the following way: When a portion of wealth passes from the person who has acquired it, without his consent and without compensation, to someone who has not created it, whether this is by force or fraud, I say that there has been a violation of property rights and that there has been an act of plunder.” So this is an example of plunder. According to AP News, “Bastiat observed that ‘when plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.'” So Bastiat observed that basically when a group in a society practices plundering, over time they eventually create for themselves a system that makes plundering legal and a moral code that glorifies the system.

Now, I do not know if I am supposed to speak for or against this proposition, so I am just going to give both sides of the story.

Online education is bad for society because it puts classroom teachers out of work. This is actually kind of true. If online education and schoolwork (like the Ron Paul Curriculum) put classroom teachers out of business, then they will not have a job, and they will not get money to raise themselves with. People need money to survive. Also, some classroom teachers love to just be with the students, and if they go out of a job, then that would effect both the teacher and the students.

Online education is bad for society because it puts classroom teachers out of work. There is also a good side to this too. If the teacher is fired or just gone, then the teacher is free to find another set of work that might be a better opportunity for them than teaching. Also, online education can be better for the student. The student can look through millions of topics and continue at their own rate. And online education is cheaper and more reliable than classroom teaching. I use the Ron Paul Curriculum and this online education is amazing. I can get up in the morning, feed my animals, and turn on the computer and do my homework. Most kids who go to a private or public school have to walk there, and they have to get up at like seven in the morning. I can get up at nine in the morning.

I have nothing against schools or online education. I just give my opinion, like in this essay.

#1, Sovereignty: Sovereignty means to have supreme power and overall authority. If you are sovereign, that basically means that you have overall authority over a specific place or thing. For example, I am sovereign over my books. Another on is, God is the Supreme Sovereign over the whole universe. Now, I used the term Supreme Sovereign because he is number one in the universe. Now, how does sovereignty fit into family government? One example is the dad is sovereign over the household, or the mom is sovereign over her stuff. There are a lot of examples of sovereignty in family government.

#2, Hierarchy: Another word for hierarchy is authority. A hierarchy is basically a system or organization in which people are ranked above others, and those people are ranked above others, etc. An example of this is my Trail Life troop. This is kind of like Boy Scouts, but different in a lot of ways. We have a hierarchy of First Officer, then Second Officer, then Quartermaster, then Junior Patrol Leaders, etc. In family government, the dad is above the mom, the mom is above the kids, etc. So you can see that hierarchy is present in pretty much every family government.

#3, Law: Laws are a system of rules established by a specific group or organization and are seen as regulating the actions of its members. Laws are everywhere in the world and govern almost every aspect of life. Every single type of government has at least some rules. There are lots of laws in a family government. Some common ones are “Do your chores”, “Do your homework”, etc. Some governments use people to enforce the laws. Family government may have the dad or the mom enforcing their rules, while other types of governments may use police officers to enforce the laws.

#4, Sanctions: Sanctions are basically ‘what I get if I obey the laws of the government’. Sanctions can be either good or bad. For some governments if you break the law you have to go to jail, or pay a fine, etc. But, if you obey the law, really nothing ever happens. But in family government, if you break the rules, you might have to get a spanking, get grounded, sent to bed with no dinner, etc. However, if you obey the rules, you may be able to go to a friend’s house, play your video games, earn some candy, etc.

#5, Succession: According to Google, succession is “the action or process of inheriting a title, office, property, etc.” So basically, succession means to be ‘ranked up’ in a government or something. In several governments, people get ‘ranked up’ all the time. In family government, a child might be ‘ranked up’ to dad when he gets married and has a child of his own, and the father becomes ‘ranked up’ to grandfather, and the grandfather becomes ‘ranked up’ to great-grandfather, etc. Succession also means to inherit something, like some old tools, or you might inherit a piece of property that someone had.

Is the family a legitimate form of government? Let us begin with the question “What is a legitimate form of government?” According to Dictionary.com, a legitimate form of government is “A government generally acknowledged as being in control of a nation and deserving formal recognition, which is symbolized by the exchange of diplomats between that government and the governments of other countries.” Basically, a legitimate form of government is a government being in control of a specific nation or area. According to Wikipedia, a government is “the system or group of people governing an organized community, generally a state.” What I think a government is, is that it is a group of people hired by the state to protect the state. People that can be part of the government could be the police, the president, etc.

So, is the family a legitimate form of government? If a legitimate form of government is a government being in control of a specific nation or area, I would say that yes, a family is a legitimate form of government. A family is a legitimate form of government because the family is in control of each other, it is in control of the place they live in, and they are in control of all the things that the family owns. Now, the family is a very small type of legitimate government, but it is a form of legitimate government. Usually, this type of government has the father in control of everyone else, he is the “boss” of the house and everyone in it. The mother comes next, and then the kids (if there are any).