Now, I do not know if I am supposed to speak for or against this proposition, so I am just going to give both sides of the story.

Online education is bad for society because it puts classroom teachers out of work. This is actually kind of true. If online education and schoolwork (like the Ron Paul Curriculum) put classroom teachers out of business, then they will not have a job, and they will not get money to raise themselves with. People need money to survive. Also, some classroom teachers love to just be with the students, and if they go out of a job, then that would effect both the teacher and the students.

Online education is bad for society because it puts classroom teachers out of work. There is also a good side to this too. If the teacher is fired or just gone, then the teacher is free to find another set of work that might be a better opportunity for them than teaching. Also, online education can be better for the student. The student can look through millions of topics and continue at their own rate. And online education is cheaper and more reliable than classroom teaching. I use the Ron Paul Curriculum and this online education is amazing. I can get up in the morning, feed my animals, and turn on the computer and do my homework. Most kids who go to a private or public school have to walk there, and they have to get up at like seven in the morning. I can get up at nine in the morning.

I have nothing against schools or online education. I just give my opinion, like in this essay.