What was the Constitutional Convention of 1787? According to U. S. Department of State (.gov), “The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia met between May and September of 1787 to address the problems of the weak central government that existed under the Articles of Confederation.” The main idea of this Constitutional Convention was “whether the federal government or the states would have more power”, according to mountvernon.org; this also says, “Many delegates believed that the federal government should be able to overrule state laws, but others feared that a strong federal government would oppress their citizens.” And for those of you who do not know, according to Wikipedia, “A coup d’état (/ˌkuːdeɪˈtɑː/; French for ‘stroke of state’), or simply a coup, is an illegal and overt attempt by a military organization or other government elites to unseat an incumbent leadership by force.” In this essay, I will form a debate between the affirmative and the negative of this statement, then I will resolve the two positions in the end.

The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was an illegal coup d’etat. In this part of the essay I will explain why I think that this is true. The main idea of the Constitutional Convention was to re-examine and make alternations to the Articles of Confederation (the Articles of Confederation were adopted in the year 1777, however, they were not ratified by all of the thirteen states until four years later, in 1781). In 1787, delegates from the U. S. entered Pennsylvania State House (which is now known as Independence Hall), and, to ensure secrecy, locked the doors and windows. They did this to make sure that press was not allowed to know what was happening. They also did this to ensure the delegates of the Constitutional Convention spoke their minds. All the delegates were sworn to secrecy, and they were not allowed to talk about what happened in that room until they were all dead. Few people expected anything to come of this, yet what happened was they did not just revise the Articles of Confederation, but they changed it completely! It was practically replaced by a new document, called the US Constitution. According to study.com, “What was the purpose of the Constitutional Convention? The original purpose was to amend the Articles of Confederation to form a stronger executive branch of government. This plan was replaced by the delegates’ determination to write a new document, the Constitution of the United States.” What happened in that room became known as “a bloodless coup d’etat,”, since the Articles of Confederation were not just revised, but replaced by the US Constitution. So how does a coup d’etat fit into all of this? If a coup d’etat is an illegal attempt by a government or military organization to remove a necessary leadership that is in power, by force, how does that fit into the replacement of the Articles of Confederation by the US Constitution? It is kind of simple, actually. The delegates who tried to revise the Articles of Confederation illegally attempted to remove the Articles of Confederation by force, which is the exactly what a coup d’etat is. And it was illegal, but how? What makes something illegal? According to LII (Legal Information Institute), “The term illegal means any action which is against or not authorized by the law or statute. Also called illicit or unlawful. It can refer to an action that is in violation of criminal law, like assault, arson, or murder.” Was this attempt illegal? If these people were part of the government who made laws, was it illegal for these people to change the Articles of Confederation? Well, the meaning of a coup d’etat (“an illegal and overt attempt by a military organization or other government elites to unseat an incumbent leadership by force”, according to Wikipedia) states that an attempt by a military or government organization, the delegates, to remove a leadership by force, the Articles of Confederation, is considered a coup d’etat, except for one detail, it needs to be illegal for it to be considered a coup d’etat. So was it illegal? Was this an illegal attempt to change the Articles of Confederation? The Antifederalists think so. This group of people said that the delegates of Philadelphia (Philadelphia being where the Constitution was written) exceeded their congressional authority to create a completely new document, illegally. They are correct. The delegates of Philadelphia did exceed their congressional authority to create a completely new document without all thirteen states agreeing, but the delegates changed it anyway. The Articles of Confederation were then replaced by the Constitution of the United States. However, does anyone else, today, think that the attempt to change the Articles into the Constitution was illegal? Most will say that yes, this was illegal, but sometimes we take for granted our ability to look for answers ourselves and we rely on someone else’s answers, even if they are correct. Here is what I think:

Was the attempt to change the Articles of Confederation into the Constitutional Convention illegal, even though it was changed by people who could change it? It is said that the Constitution was legally adopted into society, we know that much, but was the attempt to change the Articles illegal? It states in the Articles of Confederation that the articles could be changed, so it is starting to look like the attempt was not illegal after all. But wait, there’s more. The Articles state that they could be changed, but only if all thirteen states (’cause there were only thirteen states at the time), voted unanimously to change them, and only nine of the original thirteen states voted to change them. The convention illegally disregarded the fact that all states needed to vote to change it in order to change it, and that was not how it was done. Only nine states decided to change it instead of all thirteen, and that was a complete violation of the Articles of Confederation, which means that the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was an illegal document. Is was not official because not all thirteen states agreed on it. Here is what the Articles of Confederation say:

Article 13: Declared that the Articles of Confederation were forever and could only be changed by the Congress of Confederation and if all the states agreed.

This plainly proves that the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was an illegal document and does not have any legality in the USA.

What were the results of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 after it was made “legal”? According to U. S. Department of State (.gov), “The Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia met between May and September of 1787 to address the problems of the weak central government that existed under the Articles of Confederation. The United States Constitution that emerged from the convention established a federal government with more specific powers, including those related to conducting relations with foreign governments.” The Constitutional Convention of 1787 created a much stronger national government than the Articles of Confederation ever did. The Constitutional Convention may not have been legal (like, at all), but it did do some good, like create a stronger national government. However, it also did some things that were not good. According to menokin.org, “The Constitution also gave the federal government more power over money and taxes. The new system of government allowed Congress to control interstate commerce and barred states from creating their own coined money. It also granted the federal government the power to tax individuals.” It made a more powerful federal government. Also, according to senate.gov, “For over two centuries the Constitution has remained in force because its framers successfully separated and balanced governmental powers to safeguard the interests of majority rule and minority rights, of liberty and equality, and of the federal and state governments.” For those of you who do not know who framers are, according to Exploros, “The Framers of the Constitution were delegates to the Constitutional Convention and helped draft the Constitution of the United States. The main Founding Fathers were: John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and George Washington.” These people helped draft the Constitution of the United States, an illegal document.

However, despite the fact that the Constitution of the United States was an illegal document, it did do good. The Articles of Confederation did not even last a decade. Some of the reasons for this was quite obvious. There were also a lot of problems and events that lead to our current Constitution, the Constitution of the United States. What you will read next are some of reasons for the Constitution. According to The National Constitution Center, “Here is a quick list of the problems that occurred, and how these issues led to our current Constitution.

1. The states didn’t act immediately. It took until February 1779 for 12 states to approve the document. Maryland held out until March 1781, after it settled a land argument with Virginia.

2. The central government was designed to be very, very weak. The Articles established “the United States of America” as a perpetual union formed to defend the states as a group, but it provided few central powers beyond that. But it didn’t have an executive official or judicial branch.

3. The Articles Congress only had one chamber and each state had one vote. This reinforced the power of the states to operate independently from the central government, even when that wasn’t in the nation’s best interests.

4. Congress needed 9 of 13 states to pass any laws. Requiring this high supermajority made it very difficult to pass any legislation that would affect all 13 states.

5. The document was practically impossible to amend. The Articles required unanimous consent to any amendment, so all 13 states would need to agree on a change. Given the rivalries between the states, that rule made the Articles impossible to adapt after the war ended with Britain in 1783.

6. The central government couldn’t collect taxes to fund its operations. The Confederation relied on the voluntary efforts of the states to send tax money to the central government. Lacking funds, the central government couldn’t maintain an effective military or back its own paper currency.

7. States were able to conduct their own foreign policies. Technically, that role fell to the central government, but the Confederation government didn’t have the physical ability to enforce that power, since it lacked domestic and international powers and standing.

8. States had their own money systems. There wasn’t a common currency in the Confederation era. The central government and the states each had separate money, which made trade between the states, and other countries, extremely difficult.

9. The Confederation government couldn’t help settle Revolutionary War-era debts. The central government and the states owed huge debts to European countries and investors. Without the power to tax, and with no power to make trade between the states and other countries viable, the United States was in an economic mess by 1787.

10. Shays’ rebellion – the final straw. A tax protest by western Massachusetts farmers in 1786 and 1787 showed the central government couldn’t put down an internal rebellion. It had to rely on a state militia sponsored by private Boston business people. With no money, the central government couldn’t act to protect the “perpetual union.””

It was these events described here that the Articles of Confederation caused that lead to the ratification of the Constitution of the United States. However, it was mainly Shays’ rebellion that lead to the Constitutional Convention of 1787. If it was not for this one event, the Constitutional Convention probably would not have ever happened. This rebellion was a violent insurrection in the countryside of Massachusetts from 1786-1787. It was caused by a monetary debt crisis at the end of the American Revolutionary War. Debts were high, so the government thought it was a good idea to cause hyperinflation in order to pay off these debts. They were wrong. Some of the people revolted against the government, resulting in Shay’s rebellion.

Also, the Half-King deceived George Washington in 1754. This deception led to the Battle of Jumonville Glen. Years later, Henry Knox also deceived George Washington about current events in 1786. It was these two deceptions that changed the history of the West. Anyway, Washington was really angry because of these people deceiving him. He just grew tired of it. It was because of this that he them attended the constitutional Convention of 1787, even after he repeatably said he would not. The president of the United States just being present gave the Convention legitimacy. This eventually led to the ratification of the Constitution.

However, remember that the Constitution needed to be agreed upon by all the states to be changed, but only nine agreed. Just because it was ratified does not mean it is legal, no matter how many people think it is legal. They needed all the states to change, but only nine agreed, but they changed it anyway, making the Constitution of the United States illegal. The president just ave the Convention legitimacy, which led to the ratification of the Constitution, but nothing else. The Constitution is still illegal.

So even though the Constitution of the United States was an illegal document, it was accepted by the United States and was made official, and it does do good, and it did solve several problems that were caused by the former Articles of Confederation. However, that does not make the Constitution legal. If there is an authority in power, in this case the Articles of Confederation, then you have to follow it, or suffer the consequences. That is how sanctions (rewards) work. You get good sanctions if you follow the rules, and you get bad sanctions if you disobey. It does not matter if people did not agree with this law, that was the law. And if there are bad laws, you can get them changed, like what these people did with the Articles. They changed them to the Constitution of the United States. But, Article 13 clearly stated: “Declared that the Articles of Confederation were forever and could only be changed by the Congress of Confederation and if all the states agreed.” And not all of the states agreed with the changing of the Articles of Confederation. So despite the fact that this was a bad law, it was  the law, and this law was not followed, making the Constitution of the United States an insufficient document to be placed in power, but it was placed in power anyway, making this document illegal. It does not matter if it does good, or if people disagree with you and say that the Constitution of the United States was legal, because it is not legal. Even though the Articles were bad laws, Article 13 states that all states have to agree with it’s changing, and not all states agreed, therefore they could not change it, but they changed it anyway. This means that the Constitution of the United States is totally illegal.

Despite the fact that the Constitution of the United States was illegal, it was ratified anyway. But why was the Constitution of the United States ratified? According to The White House (.gov), “A chief aim of the Constitution as drafted by the Convention was to create a government with enough power to act on a national level, but without so much power that fundamental rights would be at risk.” And I believe that it did this. And even though only nine of the original thirteen states agreed to change the Articles of Confederation, they all eventually ratified it, but it was still illegal because only nine states agreed to change it. The Constitution of the United States was written in 1787, and it was ratified in 1788. According to Senate.gov, “Written in 1787, ratified in 1788, and in operation since 1789, the United States Constitution is the world’s longest surviving written charter of government. Its first three words – “We The People” – affirm that the government of the United States exists to serve its citizens.” But does it do this? Does the Constitution of the United States affirm that the government exist to serve the people? And does the United States government serve its citizens? That exert says that yes, the government exists to serve the people, and I am sure that it did, but does it still exist to serve the people today? I am sure the government still exists to serve the people today, but the government was a lot better fifty years ago than today in my opinion. The government definitely got better over the years, but I think that it just went in a downward spiral over time. Over time, if governments are not kept in check, or we chose the wrong people for different offices, the government can get out of hand. Governments are greedy and deceitful, and if they are not kept in check, then it could get messy. The government makes new laws that benefit them, however, they do not benefit the citizens. In fact, the citizens would be better off if some laws had never been written. Governments get greedy and they make laws that benefit them, but not the citizens, and as a result of that, the nation can fall into chaos.

Fun fact, did you know that the Constitution Of the United States is a “living, breathing” document? No? If not then I will be happy explain it to you. If a document is said to be living and breathing, that means that the document is allowed to, and can be, changed. You need permission from most of the states to change it, of course, but it can be changed. A living, breathing document is a bad thing. What people are saying when they say the Constitution is living and breathing, what they mean is that the judges should have complete power to interpret the Constitution in such a way that allows the federal government to do all sorts of things. A living, breathing document is not at all a sturdy document that you can build the federal government on. It is unstable. And maybe someday it will come crashing down on all of us. The nation will be in total chaos. A living, breathing document is not a good thing to have around. A man named Kevin Gutzman once said “the “living, breathing” Constitution is actually a dead Constitution.” A living and breathing document is not a solid document you can just build your government on.

So there are things about the Constitution of the United States that are not good. However, the Constitution does do other things or allows other things to happen that are good and really help the U. S. as a nation, despite the fact that it is sort of illegal. According to the University of Baltimore, “First it creates a national government consisting of a legislative, an executive, and a judicial branch, with a system of checks and balances among the three branches. Second, it divides power between the federal government and the states. And third, it protects various individual liberties of American citizens.” Creating a national government, dividing power between the federal government and the states, and protecting our liberties are all amazing things that the Constitution does, and they have helped build our country into a much stronger nation. However, other things make the United States a strong nation. According to Study.com, “The United States is a world power and a superpower for many reasons. For one, the United States has the best-equipped and best-funded military on Earth. Unlike other countries, the U.S. can project its military power across the world through its large air force and navy.” It also has great diplomatic and economic power, but I guess the Constitution of the United States allows for this to happen as well; some of it anyway.

In this part of the essay, I will explain why I think the Constitutional Convention was a coup d’etat. Actually, I think that it was a coup d’etat, and as such, I have nothing to argue. The Constitution of the US was voted to be changed by only nine states when all thirteen were supposed to agree to change it. However, they changed it anyway. Because of this, it was made illegal.

However, is it still illegal? I get that it was illegal because not all thirteen states agreed on it. Only nine did, but is it still illegal today, or is it legal now? Is the Constitution of the United States still illegal today? The answer is not as simple as you might think, based on what I have already written. The Constitution of the United States has remained in forced for over two hundred years. And it is considered legal today just because it was ratified by all thirteen states. The thirteenth amendment stated that they could only be changed if all the states agreed to change it. Not if all the states agreed to ratify it. There is a big difference between agreeing to change it and ratifying it, and they needed to agree to change it to change it. And because only nine out of thirteen states agreed to change it, it should be illegal, except for the fact that everyone believes that the Constitution is legal because all the states ratified it, but all the states needed to agree to change it in order to change it, and that did not happen. That is why I think that the Constitution of the United States should be an illegal document. So is the Constitution still illegal today? Many people will say that the Constitution of the United States is still illegal because it was not agreed upon by all the states to change it. Only nine agreed to change it, but all thirteen ratified it. It did not matter if they all ratified it, but if they agreed to change it. They all needed to agree to change it in order to change it, but only nine out of the thirteen states agreed to do this. That is why I think that the Constitution is an illegal document. This is legitimate proof that the Constitution of the United States is an illegal and illegitimate document.

I once told one of my friends about why I think the US Constitution was illegal, and he said, if the states ratified the Constitution, shouldn’t it be legal? I told him what I just told you, that just because the Constitution was ratified does not mean it is legal. I told him about the Articles of Confederation, namely Article 13, and that the Articles needed to be agreed unanimously by the states in order to change it, which did not happen. Therefore, making the changing of the Articles of Confederation into the Constitution of the United States illegal. It does not matter if it was ratified by all the states, only if it was agreed on by all states, that having not happened.

However, despite all this evidence of the Constitution of the United States, and how it is technically illegal, lets not forget the actual reason I am writing this essay, was the Constitutional Convention of 1787 an illegal coup d’etat? I think I already got my point across to you earlier in this essay, but it does not hurt to go back and review. As a reminder, a coup d’etat is when a military or any other type of organization illegally tries to ‘unseat’ a leadership (whether that be a document, governor, president, etc) by force. I already told you that only nine out of thirteen states agreed to change it, so we know it was illegal, but was it a coup d’etat? If you were paying attention to the earlier part of this essay, you would know the answer already, but just to recap, I will explain it again. The main idea of the Constitutional Convention was to re-examine and make alternations to the Articles of Confederation. Few people expected anything to come of this, yet what happened was they did not just revise the Articles of Confederation, but they changed it completely! It was practically replaced by a new document, called the US Constitution. The delegates were the political party in this scenario, but did they try to ‘unseat’ the Articles of confederation (the leadership in force) by force? And was it illegal? Well, they did change the Articles of Confederation into the United States Constitution when only nine of the thirteen states agreed to change it, so it was illegal. However, was it by force? Even though nine of thirteen states agreed to change it, it was changed anyway, but does that mean that it was removed by force? Pretty much, yes. Even though The Articles were not really a strong foundation for the US, they were the law. Article 13 stated that the Articles could only be changed if all states agree to change it. However, as you already know, only nine of thirteen states agreed to change it. This is evidence that the Constitution of the United States is an illegal document and should not be in power.

Now, you may be asking yourself, “Did anyone disapprove the changing of the Articles of Confederation into the United States Constitution?” Well, I have been asking myself that too. According to the National Archives, “Those known as Antifederalists opposed the Constitution for a variety of reasons. Some continued to argue that the delegates in Philadelphia had exceeded their congressional authority by replacing the Articles of Confederation with an illegal new document.” These Antifederalists also claimed that the Constitution threatened liberties and failed in its job to protect people’s individual rights. These Antifederalists are actually right. Not about its failure to protect individual rights mind you, but about the delegates in Philadelphia exceeding their congressional authority by replacing the Articles of Confederation with the US Constitution, which they called an illegal document, and they are absolutely right! The Constitution was an illegal document and it still is. The delegates in Philadelphia exceeded their congressional authority to create an illegal document they called the Constitution of the United States. I am sure that you can understand why I say this because of how much I just talked about why the Constitution was an illegal document. I agree with these Antifederalists about this document being illegal. I have researched the Constitution of the US and I believe that the Constitution is an illegal document, just like the Antifederalists believed.

The Constitution is an illegal document and has no legality on the US. However, despite the fact that it is illegal, the Constitution has been widely accepted and is now a part of the government. People do not care if the Constitution is an illegal document. They only care that it is in power, and nothing can change it. They think that just because it is part of the government, they think it belongs there, when in fact, it does not. It is an illegal document, so it should not even be a part of the government. If you look at it right, the Articles of Confederation are still in power, even if do not, or will not, believe it; and the Constitution of the United States belongs in the garbage (figuratively speaking). It has no legality in the United States, so therefore, should not even be a thing, but it is because people do not care how it got there. They think that just because it is there, means it belongs there. That is hardly the case. These people simply refuse, or do not care, to look at the evidence. Besides, the Constitution is written extremely deep into the law. If we were to get rid of of the Constitution and replace it with the Articles of Confederation, which are the actual legal documents that should be in power today, we would have to completely replace and rewrite the entire law! Well, most of it. I am not suggesting that we get rid of the Constitution, not at all! I am simply stating that it is an illegal document and the attempt to change the Articles into the Constitution was, indeed, an illegal coup d’etat. However, since it is so deeply written into the law and pretty much everything else that has to do with America, you cannot get rid of it. It does not matter if it is illegal, it is the law, whether people want it to be, or not. I am not suggesting that we change the law, but the Constitution is illegal, whether you like it, or not. However, the Constitution is the law, and there is nothing we can do to change it.

Remember, the real topic of this essay is “The Constitutional Convention of 1787 was an illegal coup d’etat.”, and I want to take a quick review. Was the Convention a coup d’etat? The delegates removed a power in force (the Articles of Confederation), by force (all thirteen states needed to agree to change it, but only nine did, however, they changed it anyway), and replaced it with a completely new document (the Constitution of the United States). So yes, it was a coup d’etat. Was it illegal? They changed the Articles into the Constitution when only nine states agreed when all thirteen had to agree. I would say that that is reason enough to call it an illegal, and therefore illegitimate document.

In this essay is some of the information that you will need to know if the Constitution of the United States was illegal and the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was a coup d’etat. The information that I have given you in this essay is evidence that the Constitution of the United States is an illegal document and should still be an illegal document. And now you know that the Constitutional Convention of 1787 was, indeed, a coup d’etat. And you also know why the Constitution of the United States is an illegal document. I hope you will agree with me that everything I wrote in this essay is true, and I encourage you to do your own research on this topic. Maybe you will find something that I did not include in this essay.

In this past year of American Literature, I have been learning about books and movies, both of which are American literature. I have also learned about the differences of each from each other. In this essay, I will explain what each of them are in, hopefully, my simplest terms, and explain what I like or do not like about each.

Personally, I love to read, sometimes even more than watching movies. In books, you have to imagine what is happening because you can not see what is happening. In movies, all you do is watch and listen. You see things and you hear things. No imagination involved. However, books explain things more clearly. In movies, you have to see for yourself. Now, most people like seeing things happen rather than imagining it for themselves because it is easier, and it is. However, I like to use my imagination. Books are better at explaining things. For example, a book says when a person is sad, happy, depressed, etc. Books also show what people are thinking. Movies can not do that. People have to say it for you to understand it. Now, you may be able to tell a person’s emotions from their facial expression or their actions, but you can not tell what they are thinking unless somebody says it. However, if there is like an animal or plant that the book is trying to describe, I do find it a little hard to try to think of what it may look like in my mind, whereas in a movie, you can see what it looks like. You sight is the most powerful of your senses, so it is no wonder people would rather see things happen then use their imagination and imagine it for themselves. I have a huge imagination, so it is no problem for me to imagine what is happening in a book. However, there is the problem of unrecognizable words. Some words you do not know and some words are hard to pronounce. However, you could go get the dictionary to figure out what they mean. But whose gonna want to read through a dictionary to find out what a word means while you are reading a good book? Not me. However, in movies you do not read (unless during subtitles or a sign or whatever). You just mainly watch and listen, which is easy. Also, one of my favorite parts about movies is the music. Music plays a huge factor in movies, and that just makes people like it more. Sometimes when I am reading, I imagine music playing in the background while a particular scene is playing out in the book. Music is definitely a big part of why people like movies and not books.

These are the biggest points I think are associated with the differences between movies and books. Personally, I like some books better than movies, and some movies better than books. I kind of depends on what I am watching or reading. I am sure it is the same for you too.

Quiz Show did not tell the truth about key historical figures. Did this break the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness’? First, a quick summary of the movie:

Queens-born Herbie Stempel (John Turturro) becomes an unlikely hero after winning on America’s beloved game show, “Twenty One.” When the network decides to bring in a more telegenic contestant, the WASP-ish Charles Van Doren (Ralph Fiennes), Stempel takes aim at the show, announcing that the game is rigged. Congressional investigator Dick Goodwin (Rob Morrow) is brought in to examine the claim that winners were given the answers. Goodwin wrote the book on which this true story is based.

Quiz Show did not tell the truth about key historical figures. Did this break the commandment, ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness’? What does it mean to bear false witness? Now, we cannot take this out of context, so lets see what bearing false witness means in the Bible, which is where this verse (Exodus 16:20) is found. What does it mean to bear false witness according to the Bible? To bear false witness in the Bible means to give an untrue testimony. It basically means to lie. If the movie Quiz Show did not tell the truth about key historical figures, would that count as bearing false witness? I would say that if it is not the truth, it is a lie. The question literally says ‘did not tell the truth’. That means that the movie lied about key historical figures. Now, some people might see this as not lying because it’s just a movie and it is not real. However, several movies lie about a lot of things in the real world. Sometimes it is important to the story, that they just changed it or made something up for the movie to make sense, but if it is not the truth, it is a lie. Some people call these lies harmless, the more common term I think is a white lie. But it does not matter if it is the smallest lie, or even if you twist the truth, they are still lies. Quiz Show did not tell the truth about historical key figures, so yes, I think this breaks the commandment ‘Thou shalt not bear false witness’. Quiz Show lied about key historical figures. Some people might say that it is fine, that people know the truth about them so the lie does not matter, but what about those that do not know the truth? Are they just going to go on with life thinking that this lie is the truth? Many people think that if it is in a movie, it is probably a lie, but it might be the truth, so if they do not know if it is a lie or the truth, they forget about it. But what of those people that believe that it is the truth? I do not know about them, but what I do know is that lies are wrong. Quiz Show lied about key historical figures, and that was wrong.

Businessmen and movie stars are both rich. However, people like movie stars, but resent businessmen. How big is the difference between them that people love movie stars but hate businessmen? I think people like movie stars because in the movies they play in, the audience can relate to the characters, and they love the movie, so they love the actors who were a part of it. The audience can relate to the characters in the movie, and actors say things to the public that makes the audience love them even more (but is what they are saying to the public actually true, or are they saying it only to get more fans?). Most businessmen build their wealth for themselves, and very often they do it at someone else’s expense. People think all businessmen are the same, they lie to get their money and they are selfish people. Now, not all rich businessmen do this, but a lot of them did, and that is what they are remembered for, and people think they are all the same.

I think that people like movie stars because movie stars want the audience to like them, so they will try anything to make people like them, and people believe them. However, some are honest with the audience, but people love them. And people think businessmen are all the same. They think that the businessmen think that they are better than the common person because they have more money, so the people become jealous and resent businessmen, but what they do not realize is the businessmen worked hard to obtain their wealth, whereas the common people did not. They could have worked hard to become rich, but instead of trying to become rich, they decided to be jealous of the rich people and not do anything about it.

The two movies that this title is talking about are “Tender Mercies” and “Driving Miss Daisy”. In what ways are both of these movies about grace: gifts unearned by the recipient? Here is a quick summary of each movie:

 Tender Mercies: According to Google, Down-on-his-luck country singer Mac Sledge (Robert Duvall) has nowhere to turn when he wakes up in a motel, short on cash. So he takes a job from Rosa Lee (Tess Harper), the kindly widow who runs the place. Mac begins to fall for Rosa, who helps him confront his drinking, and also finds an unexpected bond with Rosa’s young son (Allan Hubbard). When the opportunity for a career comeback surfaces, Mac must choose between his new life and the life he let slip through his hands.

Driving Miss Daisy: According to Google, Daisy Werthan (Jessica Tandy), an elderly Jewish widow living in Atlanta, is determined to maintain her independence. However, when she crashes her car, her son, Boolie (Dan Aykroyd), arranges for her to have a chauffeur, an African-American driver named Hoke Colburn (Morgan Freeman). Daisy and Hoke’s relationship gets off to a rocky start, but they gradually form a close friendship over the years, one that transcends racial prejudices and social conventions.

In Tender Mercies, when Mac is given a job from Rosa, Rosa is giving Mac grace, since she has barely any money anyway. She is giving him grace by giving him a job. She also gives him grace by helping him control his drinking problem. This movie shows that grace can change lives, just like it did here.

In Driving Miss Daisy, Daisy is a ‘grumpy old person’. She thinks she does not need any help, but her friends keep giving her grace, even when she is mean to them. And in the end, she is no longer a grumpy old person. She is now a kind old lady. This movie shows that grace can turn a mean person into a kind person, given the right amount of time. In this movie, it took years!

Now, I know that these are fiction movies, and that they may not not ever happen in real life. And they may not, but grace exists in everything. Grace means giving someone something that they do not deserve. In Tender Mercies, Rosa gives Mac a job that he absolutely does not deserve. And in Driving Miss Daisy, Hoke and Daisy’s son gives Daisy grace by being kind to her, even if she is not kind in return. And in both of these movies, grace ultimately changes these people’s lives. And grace does change lives. Sometimes it’s showing grace to a stranger whom you may only see once, and sometimes it’s showing grace to a sibling you see every day. Either way, grace can change lives. And these movies (despite being fiction) are perfect examples of what grace can do to someone’s life. We are to give grace to everyone, just as Jesus died on the cross for us, even though we did not deserve it, and now He’s alive and preparing a place for those who believe in Him. Now that’s grace!

The movies referred to here are “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “In the Heat of the Night”. I think what the title is saying is as an observer is I am a part of the audience. You know, I am watching the movie, following along with it, etc. But what does the title mean by a participant? I do not think it has anything to do with me helping to make the movie. I am not entirely sure what my teacher means by participant, so I am going to guess based on my best judgement. I think that it means that I watch the movie, I follow along, but I also feel what the character feels, I am watching it intently, not wanting to miss a single detail, being drawn into the movie, I think you know what I mean. I get both of these “feelings” whenever I watch a movie, which one I get depends on the movie I watch. Before I answer the question “To what extent was I pulled into each movie as a participant rather than as an observer?”, I want to give you a quick hint of the plot line of these movies. First is “To Kill a  Mockingbird”, and next will be “In the Heat of the Night”.

First, “To Kill a Mockingbird” According to Google, “Scout Finch (Mary Badham), 6,and her older brother, Jem (Phillip Alford), live in sleepy Maycomb, Ala., spending much of their time with their friend Dill (John Megna) and spying on their reclusive and mysterious neighbor, Boo Radley (Robert Duvall). When Atticus (Gregory Peck), their widowed father and a respected lawyer, defends a black man named Tom Robinson (Brock Peters) against fabricated rape charges, the trial and tangent events expose the children to evils of racism and stereotyping.”

Second, “In the Heat of the Night” According to Google, “African-American Philadelphia police detective Virgil Tibbs (Sidney Poitier) is arrested on suspicion of murder by Bill Gillespie (Rod Steiger), the racist police chief of tiny Sparta, Mississippi. After Tibbs proves not only his own innocence but that of another man, he joins forces with Gillespie to track down the real killer. Their investigation takes them through every social level of the town, with Tibbs making enemies as well as unlikely friends as he hunts for the truth.”

To what extent was I pulled into each movie as a participant rather than as an observer? You know, I am not really the kind of person who is easily pulled into old movies, like these. These movies were interesting, but I did not really feel like a participant. I was just watching them, making me an observer, but I did not feel like a participant. Some other people might feel like a participant when  they watch these movies, but not me. On a scale of 1-10, with 1 as observer and 10 as participant, I felt like a 3. Other people will have different opinions, but mine is I did not feel like a participant, only an observer.

What is a price level? According to Wikipedia, “The general price level is a hypothetical measure of overall prices for some set of goods and services, in an economy or monetary union during a given interval, normalized relative to some base set. Typically, the general price level is approximated with a daily price index, normally the Daily CPI.” Notice this definition stated that the price level is “hypothetical”, saying that it is not real. There is no price level. So, how could anyone prove that monetary inflation raises prices if there is no price level? It is not a set price level. Then people would pay the same amount for the same thing. But there is no set price level, it keeps rising, and that is because of inflation.

What would I miss the most and what would I miss the least if I went back in time to the 1955? I gotta say, it would be a lot, but I will tell you some of my top ones.

What would I miss the most if I went back in time to 1955? Honestly, I would miss my family and friends. That is the number 1 thing I would miss. My family and friends mean everything to me. I cannot imagine a world without them. I would also miss the technology of today’s age. The cars, computers, phones, etc. The technology we have today makes our lives so much better. We use it every day. Also music. I love music, but I do not like the music made in that time, I like the music of this age better. Plus, I know almost nothing about that age. How would I know what to do or how to fit in? I would just be confused the whole time.

And what would I miss the least? Honestly, it would be the politics. The political leaders of today and the politics of today are terrible. I really do not like today’s government. But other than that, I would rather stay in today’s age.

The movies talked about here in the title are “High Noon”, and “Shane”. I have to compare and contrast the attitude of the movies “High Noon” and “Shane” regarding guns. But first, a little bit of what each movie is about.

“High Noon” was a western classic film made in 1952. According to Google, “Former marshal Will Kane (Gary Cooper) is preparing to leave the small town of Hadleyville, New Mexico, with his new bride, Amy (Grace Kelly), when he learns that local criminal Frank Miller has been set free and is coming to seek revenge on the marshal who turned him in. When he starts recruiting deputies to fight Miller, Kane is discouraged to find that the people of Hadleyville turn cowardly when the time comes for a showdown, and he must face Miller and his cronies alone.”

“Shane” was another western classic film made in 1953. According to Google, “Enigmatic gunslinger Shane (Alan Ladd) rides into a small Wyoming town with hopes of quietly settling down as a farmhand. Taking a job on homesteader Joe Starrett’s (Van Heflin) farm, Shane is drawn into a battle between the townsfolk and ruthless cattle baron Rufus Ryker (Emile Meyer). Shane’s growing attraction to Starrett’s wife, Marian (Jean Arthur), and his fondness for their son Joey (Brandon de Wilde), who idolizes Shane, force Shane to realize that he must thwart Ryker’s plan.”

Each of these movies has a different attitude towards guns. Like many other western movies, both of these movies’ climax’s ends with a gunfight. In “High Noon”, Kane fights the gang alone, but Amy, Kane’s wife, decides to help her husband by shooting of of the henchmen and giving Kane a clear shot to Miller’s head, which kills him. Because the townspeople did not fight the gang out of their own fear, Kane leaves the town with Amy without another word. In “Shane”, a final confrontation is inevitable as Ryker invites Joe to negotiate with him. However, Ryker plans to double-cross Joe and kill him. A former henchman warns Joe and Shane that Ryker plans to kill them. After that, Joe and Shane fight over who should go to the meeting. Shane wins, and kills Ryker, plus three of his henchmen. However, he leaves the town, knowing he cannot stay after killing four men.

In these movies, both men, Shane and Kane, do not want to use violence, but they believe it is necessary to maintain, or even restore, the safety of the towns. Kane was a former marshal, so his job was to use occasional violence to defend himself and others. Whereas Shane, being a former gunfighter, he did not want to hurt anyone, but he could not let the gang bully the townspeople away from their land. Both movies present guns as a tool that, in the right hands, can be used to help people. However, in the wrong hands, it can be used to hurt people. We need to use guns as a tool to protect people, never to hurt them.

Tax-funded education includes public schools, because they get money from the government. The private schools, however, are not tax-funded. They do not get money from the government.

What does it mean to be bureaucratic? According to the Dictionary, it is “relating to the business of running an organization, or government.” According to Wikipedia, “Bureaucracy is a system of organization where decisions are made by a body of non-elected officials. Historically, a bureaucracy was a government administration managed by departments staffed with non-elected officials.” Non-elected officials are officials who were not voted into ‘office’. For example, if you became the boss of a company, you have not been elected to take that position, but now you are an official, which is someone in an organization or government who practices authority.

Is tax-funded education inherently bureaucratic? Being tax-funded basically means that it is state-funded. Have you ever heard of the quote “He who pays the piper calls the tune”? It is like that for tax-funded schools too. The state funds the schools, so the state decides what is taught in public schools. That means that the state basically controls the public school system. The government teaches in the school that the government has supreme authority and the public must do everything it says. Government education restraints freedom, even though we think we live in a free country. Reality is that the public should decide what to do with tax money, but because of the teachings they were taught in school, they are deprived of that liberty.

 Tax-funded education is inherently bureaucratic. And the fact that people think they are free, when indeed, freedom is lacked due to the government education people were taught when they were kids, is destroying the country. To a kid, education is everything. And if the government cannot give kids the education they need, but the education the government wants, kids will grow up thinking the government is everything. They will think that life without the government will be chaotic. There are people like that today. Government education is destroying kid’s lives. Thankfully, there are private schools that are not tax-funded, and homeschooling is always an option.