The author of Common Sense, Thomas Paine, was an American Founding Father, even though he was born in England (he was actually encouraged to move to Philadelphia by Benjamin Franklin in London). He was also a political activist, philosopher, political theorist, and revolutionary. He is most remembered for his pamphlet called Common Sense. Common sense was written by Paine from 1775-1776. It was a forty-seven page pamphlet that advocated independence to the thirteen colonies from Great Britain. Paine argues for two main points in Common Sense. He argues for independence from Britain, and also for the creation of a democratic republic. This pamphlet inspired the people to fight for their independence from Britain. It also had a huge impact on the American independence movement. In this pamphlet, he continually calls the founding fathers and the colonists to take action against the oppression of the British government. Because he was born in Britain, he understood the injustices of Britain. Because of this, he made it clearly obvious in his pamphlet to call for independence from Britain. He argues this throughout his pamphlet.

What is the most illogical argument in Common Sense? There are many arguments displayed in common sense. For starters, Paine argued that it was crazy for an island to rule over a continent, and of course he was talking about Great Britain ruling over America. He also argued that if America were free from Great Britain, they could avoid European conflicts. He went on to argue that London was way too far away from America to rule it, and that the King and Parliament would eventually rule over America for Britain’s benefit instead of the America’s, which was the exact opposite for why the Pilgrims left in the first place. Some loyalists to Britain argued the America has thrived under Britain’s rule, but Paine argues that America would had thrived even more if it was an independent country. He argued that one of America’s greatest strengths was trade and commerce, and because of this it would have been even more successful if it had not been limited to trade with only the British. He also argued that Britain only protected America against Britain’s enemies only for Britain’s benefits. Paine argued that Britain’s enemies had no quarrel with America, and that America would eventually be pulled into Britain’s wars. He communicated with the colonists through his pamphlet on a more personal level, and he said that the moving to America was to escape the tyranny of Britain, but they were still under it’s rule. He said that with independence, they could gain freedom from Britain, which is why they left Britain to move to America in the first place. With his pamphlet, he was able to invoke passion into the colonists throughout the colonies. Now, these were all valid arguments, but what is the most illogical argument in Common Sense? According to LitCharts, “Paine’s argument throughout Common Sense relies heavily upon a logical fallacy: he consistently appeals to God as the definitive moral authority.