Is there a difference between state-subsidized churches and state-subsidized schools? Like all my essays, let’s look at this topic in smaller sections. First, what does state-subsidized mean exactly? In short, state-subsidized means that part of something is paid for by the state. But this also means that the state controls you, and as long as the state is paying you, you are basically a slave to the state. So, let’s say there is a state-subsidized church, or school. This means that part of the church or school is paid for by the state.

So what are state-subsidized churches? So basically, a state-subsidized church means that the state gives it money, but that also means that if the state gives the church money, then the state has the authority to tell the church “We are shutting you down” or “You have to leave” or “You owe us money”, etc. So, it is kind of like a kind of deal. The state gives the church money, but that also means that the state owns the church. The state tells the church what to teach, how to teach it, what to do if the church needed repairs, etc., or the state could just shut down the church. Now, I go to a church that is not state-subsidized, and the church is getting along extremely well, even without the state’s money.

What is a state-subsidized school? A state-subsidized school is literally the same thing as a state-subsidized church. Same deal. The state gives you money, but that also means that the state controls the school. Pretty much all public schools are state-subsidized. The state gives them money, which of course the school needs, but the state also can tell the school what to teach kids, how to teach the kids, how much the teachers get paid, etc. That is why we have private schools. Private schools do not receive money from the state, in fact, it is illegal for private schools to receive money from the state. That way, private schools can teach whatever they want and the state can not shut control them or shut them down. This is really good for the school just in case the state does not like what the private schools are teaching, but the state does not have the authority to shut them down. However, this means that private schools are a lot smaller than public schools because they do not get as much money as the public schools, but at least the private schools are free the teach whatever they want, unlike the public schools.

Is there a difference between state-subsidized churches and state-subsidized schools? Well ,the way I see it, no, there is no difference. State-subsidized basically means that the state gives you money, but the state also controls you. There are not just state-subsidized churches and schools. There are many other businesses or buildings or maybe even people who are state-subsidized. So, my overall answer to this question is no, no there is no difference.