First, the chapter I want to implement in my life is: If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically. There are two ways you can do this. Number one: If people tell you you were wrong in some way that they knew was wrong but you did not, than still be humble and admit that you were wrong and ask for forgiveness. Number two: At night when your day is done, look back over your day and change what you did wrong. Mabey you can even look at what you did wrong and change so you do not make the same mistakes tomorrow that you did that day.

If people tell you you were wrong in some way that they knew was wrong but you did not, than still be humble and admit that you were wrong and ask for forgiveness. I am going to put in a little more info about this stuff to make it easier. First, Put on Put off. I mean this as put on humbleness and put off pride. This means to start being humble and to stop being prideful. This might be hard, even to remember, so practice and remind yourself by writing it on a peace of paper and place it on your door to remind yourself. Also, ask God to help you with this.

At night when your day is done, look back over your day and change what you did wrong. You can make this easy by journaling your thoughts. This will make it much easier for you.