What are price controls? According to the dictionary, price controls are “a government regulation establishing a maximum price to be charged for specified goods and services, especially during periods of war or inflation.” So basically, price controls are a government regulation that tells companies at what price they need to sell their products at. They also tell people how much things they can buy in a specific period of time. This commonly happens during a war, or during inflation. According to Wikipedia, “Price controls are restrictions set in place and enforced by governments, on the prices that can be charged for goods and services in a market.” So the government enforces this, I mean, why wouldn’t they? If they did not, then nobody would follow them. According to Investopedia, “The term “price controls” refers to the legal minimum or maximum prices set for specified goods. Price controls are normally mandated by the government in the free market. They are usually implemented as a means of direct economic intervention to manage the affordability of certain goods and services, including rent, gasoline, and food. Although it may make certain goods and services more affordable, price controls can often lead to disruptions in the market, losses for producers, and a noticeable change in quality.”

What are people controls? I do not think that you need to look it up to find out what this means. Basically what it means, is that when there is people control, someone is controlling another person by way of force, threat, temptation, etc. Sometimes the people want to be controlled, sometimes they do not want to be controlled (but most of the time they do not want to be controlled, the people want to do what they want to do). People control is used by the government too. For example, the state of Illinois, U.S.A. just got out of corona-19, and while we were still in it, the government made laws that said that you cannot go to the hospital, or grocery store, or church, or anywhere, unless you wore a mask. Thanks to the government, everyone wore masks inside a building, and outside a building. That is people control.

Are price controls and people controls the same thing? I totally think so, and this is why:

Remember how I said price controls are a government regulation that tells companies at what price they need to sell their products at? And that the government also tells people how much things they can buy in a specific period of time? The government is controlling the amount of products being produced, what price the companies should sell the products for, and how much the people can buy. So if you look at it extremely closely, you will see that the government is actually controlling the people. The government is using price controls to make the people produce products at a specific amount, sell them at a specific price, and it also makes people buy a limited amount of the product that the people need. The government enforces this, so there is technically nothing we can do about it.

So basically, yes, they are the same thing.