What I must do in my note-taking to describe what is going on around me. The author of a good biography or autobiography uses all of his or her five senses to describe what is going on around him or her. I must also learn to do the exact same thing when I am taking notes for my own autobiography.

The first sense I will talk about is the sense of hearing or sound. I think that this is a very easy sense to describe. An autobiography without descriptive sounds is comparable to a person who is deaf. A deaf person is a person who can not hear. If a person is deaf than they are missing a lot of the world around them. Everything in the world makes a sound, whether it be the wind blowing the leaves or the birds whistling in the morning, everything makes a sound. If there was no descriptive sound in an autobiography they would be leaving out a part of the world.

The second sense I will talk about is the sense of sight. In the same way that leaving out descriptive sounds in an autobiography is the same as leaving out descriptive sight words. If people could not see than they would also be missing out on a lot of the world. In fact, if people could not see than there probably would not even be a world. If you could not see than you could not describe a beautiful sunset or the beauty of all the nature around you. There are people who are blind (meaning that they can not see) and they are missing out on a whole lot of the world.

The third sense I will talk to you about is the sense of smell. Smells are very important to life. Did you know that smells trigger memories? For example, when my mom was a kid her mom made cookies that she only made at Christmas and she used almond extract to make them, so, when my mom smells almond extract, she instantly thinks of Christmas. Without smell, we could not smell the beautiful flowers or your favorite food. Without smell we would be missing out on a whole lot of the world.

The fourth sense I will talk to you about is the sense of taste. So, I like to eat good food and I was raised much differently than some other kids because we do not eat at most restaurants and that makes us a little weird in other people’s eyes. We also drink fresh milk straight from the farm. We also make most of our food here at home. Without taste, you could not taste a single thing. Without the sense of taste than we would be missing out on a lot of the world.

The fifth sense I will talk to you about is the sense of touch. Touch is very important. Without touch than we could not feel the warmth of summer or the softness of your pillow. Without the sense of touch than we would be missing out on a lot of the world.

Without any of these five senses than we would have a terrible life on earth so be thankful that you do have them.