What are three goals that I am committing to achieve by age seventy? Lots of people have goals in their life. Some might want to be a pastor, some might want to be an engineer, and some might want to be a mechanic. But I have a lot of goals that I want to achieve before I am seventy years old. Here they are. I want to be a famous herpetologist (someone who studies reptiles and amphibians), I want to get married and have children of my own, and I want to be a missionary and teach other people about Jesus. This is why I want to be these three things.

I want to be a herpetologist because I love reptiles and amphibians and I want to study them in further detail. I have made and am still making a YouTube channel about reptiles and amphibians. I have even written a speech about reptiles. I love them so much. I really want to become a famous herpetologist someday before I am seventy years old.

I also want to get married before I become seventy years old. I really want to have children of my own someday and teach them about God so that they can go to heaven someday. I want to be in charge of and be responsible for actual real human lives. I want to have children and grandchildren that look up to me. I also want a loving wife who loves Jesus. I also hate being alone. That is why I want to get married.

I also want to be a missionary before I become seventy. I want to be a missionary because I want to tell other people about Jesus so that they can go to heaven someday. I want everyone in the world to know about Jesus, but I know that I can not make that happen, but I can at least tell some people about Jesus. I want to be a missionary because I believe that everyone should come to know Jesus and I can help with that by telling other people about Jesus.

How will owning my own business increase the likelihood that I will attain these three goals? One way owning my own business will help me attain my three goals is that I will get a lot of money because I need a lot of money so I can do what I need to do. It will also help me manage my money because a missionary needs to know how to manage his money right? Another way owning my own business will help me attain my goals is that I can learn how to solve problems, or problem solving. If I am out doing herpetology stuff or missionary stuff and I come across a problem, I can solve my problem because of my experience at owning my own business. It can also help me communicate with other people. It can help me be a good teacher to teach about Jesus. I really hope I can attain these three goals someday.